5 Life Hacks for Visiting the Pool You Didn’t Know - Slava Swim

5 Life Hacks for Visiting the Pool You Didn’t Know

Do you know how to get out of the pool “dry” and safe? Let’s skip the standard tips and get to the secrets. I want to share my life hacks that really work and that make visiting the pool as comfortable as possible.

  1. How long does it take you to dry your hair? To really dry your hair with a little locker room hair dryer can take forever! Instead, try this - take a separate absorbent towel and clean dry your hair. This way the styling will take three times less time.
  2. Do not rush to look for Q-tips in the locker room or jump on one leg knocking water out of your ears. Take a tissue, fold it, double wrap it around your finger and blot the water around the opening of the ear. This way the tissue will not break and easily absorbs moisture, protecting the ear canal.
  3. Fungus is disgusting, isn’t it? In order not to “pick it up” in the pool, carefully dry your feet thoroughly (between your toes too) before putting on your socks. Remember to wear socks with your shoes!
  4. Once home, immediately remove your swimming suit and towel from your swim bag. Put the towel in the washing machine, but NEVER wash your swimsuit or swimming trunks in the washing machine! Most bathing suits are made from polyester which does not hold up during machine washing. For this type of fabric, it is recommended to hand wash at low temperature. Or you can keep things simple, and instead, simply rinse your suit while showering with a little shampoo! Dry all suits and towels thoroughly before the next visit to the pool.
  5. Swim shoes also require care! After using them, it is necessary to remove all water from the inside. Never keep swim shoes or slippers in a closed bag or an unpleasant odor (mold and fungus) are guaranteed! The best option for storing these types of shoes is a mesh bag.

Need more tips or want to check these out for yourself? Sign up for class to learn many more professional secrets about swimming!